

The following nanites are available to be built by HM slicers with nanotech. Once constructed, they may be used with nanoinject.

Lv. Type Desc
30 healing Nanites programmed to repair minor tissue damage in organic beings without side-effects
30droidNanites programmed to repair significant damage in droids
30hullNanites programmed to repair significant damage to starships
30vehicleNanites programmed to repair significant damage to vehicles
35 augment Nanites programmed to increase the combat ability of their organic or droid target
35 damage These nanites are programmed to attack the tissue of organic or droid targets for a short time
40 antibody These nanites are programmed to destroy other nanites in their target's system
40 virulent Virulent nanites are programmed to attack the nervous system of their target, causing damage to their host when he/she attacks or moves