> droids
droids [options]
The following options are available:
Lists all controlled droids and open slots.
reg|register <droid>
Start controlling a droid you own. A player's alt may use this command to assume ownership of the droid.
unreg|unregister <droid>
Stop controlling a droid you own. Note that performing this incurs a 30 second cooldown.
[all|here|droid1[,droid2,...]] <command>
Commands the droids specified to perform the action indicated. The keyword 'all' commands all droids, and 'here' commands any droids in the same room. Just typing a command uses all registered droids.
Tells all currently controlled droids in the same room as you to follow you or stay.
sum|summon [droid[,droid2,...]]
Summons particular droids, or all if none are specified.
transfer <droid> <player>
Transfer ownership of a particular droid to a particular player.
release <droid>
Remove any ownership on the droid. The droid becomes restrainable by anyone.
<droid|all> dismiss [home|condo|dock]
Sends a droid back to either your HM home (or villa), DS condo, or the planet's main dock, if available. No specified option will try each in the respective order.
callme <title>
Make your droids call you by a particular name or title.
colour|color <droid> <colour>
Set the specified droid to have a particular colour for reporting. Type 'droids colour help' for a list of available colours.