> bgc
bgc [command] [args]
Skill used: bodyguards
Usable by: Diplomat (level 20)
Diplomats can command their bodyguard or body double using this command. The bodyguard need not be in the same room as the diplomat. In addition to a list of regular commands available to players, the following are available for every bodyguard:
Command | Effect |
ammo | informs you of the bodyguard's remaining ammunition |
toggle | lists various toggles that the bodyguard has |
commands | gives a list of all commands that the bodyguard can use |
list | same as "commands" |
defend | tells your bodyguard to aid you in combat |
follow | tells your bodyguard to follow you |
hpreport | tells your bodyguard to report its health condition |
leave | tells your bodyguard to leave |
money | reports how many credits your bodyguard is carrying |
peace | stops fighting between yourself and your bodyguard |
status | reports a variety of statistics about your bodyguard |
stay | tells your bodyguard to stop following you |
summon | summons your bodyguard to your location |
Diplomats of level 30 and above gain access to the following commands:
battlecry | allows you to add a combat emote to your bodyguard |
chats | allows you to add a non-combat emote to your bodyguard |
emote | allows you to make your bodyguard emote |
describe | allows you to set your bodyguard's description |
gender | allows you to set your bodyguard's gender |
name | allows you to set your bodyguard's name |
skills | allows you to set the skills your bodyguard will use in combat |